Candidate Chris Pohner Demonstrates Lack of Understanding on Economic Development by Taking a Jab at Congressman Richard Neal
"Union Station is Congressman Neal's albatross."
Albatross. That's what Chris Pohner said Union Station is to Congressman Richard Neal at September 19th’s candidate event held at Classical Condominiums.
Webster's defines an albatross as something that causes deep concern and anxiety or something that greatly hinders accomplishment.
Neither definition fits when speaking about Congressman Neal and Union Station. I'm sure if you asked the Congressman he would tell you he has no deep concerns or anxiety over the project he fought tooth and nail for … for decades. Even less so does Union Station greatly hinder his many accomplishments.
What the statement does show is that Candidate Pohner doesn't quite understand how economic development truly works. This is not a Field of Dreams scenario where if you build it they will come.
Yes, we would all like to see more space leased out at Union Station, and we should absolutely be looking closer at what it costs the City to fund its operation. But let’s not forget what that part of our City looked like just a short while ago. The vacant station was a symbol of stagnation and disrepair alongside a bus station that was a haven for illicit activities and clearly not the type of front door we wanted to show visitors.
We now have a beautiful station with travelers coming from north, south, east and west to visit our city with hopefully more routes to come. Wayfinders is building a state of the art facility where the bus station used to reside.
I reject Candidate Pohner's notion wholeheartedly. The area surrounding Union Station is a Phoenix rising from the ashes, not an albatross. Insulting a man about one of his career-long accomplishments does little to solve any of the problems that may exist.
I look forward to working hand and hand with Congressman Neal, Mayor Sarno and the entire City Council on making sure Union Station can continue to be the aforementioned Phoenix we know it is and will continue to be for decades to come.